I'm just a girl trying to find her own custom groove in this world without bending to the expectations of others.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Since when....

...did being able to hold a sippy cup by oneself qualify as a developmental pillar??? Does it really matter at what age a child will drink out of a cup by themselves????

My one year old would prefer that I hold his sippy cup while he drinks. He can, and has, sipped out of it by himself often, but mostly when given the sippy to handle of his own inclination, he chucks it to the floor, peering down at it curiously to see the pattern of splash drops it has formed. Because, even though the labels totes that it's spill-proof, a three foot fall from the counter above is no match for the rubber stopper under the lid.

There was a comment made (and I won't say by whom) that my son was too dependent on me to do things for him and how that always happens with the first baby. HUH? One, this isn't a first baby and; two, if I choose to hold his sippy cup for him to save my hardwood floors the half moon shaped indentations and my socks from adhering to the sticky mess until he is over his throwing jag, who the H cares???

Me, sensitive? Maybe a little!


Martie said...

I can only assume that this crude comment was made by one of the grandparents. It is no ones business but yours if you decide to hold his "sippy" cup until he's 3 if you so desire. The coice is yours and your hubby's and "no one, but no one" should have any kind of say as to what stage of development he is in. What the H, is right! SHUT THE F$%#* up!

Lori said...

I think all mothers hear comments about what they're (supposedly) doing wrong. I remember what a tough time I had potty training my daughter. Oh boy. Thankfully, I had a supportive mother who had six children and didn't put any of us or her grandchildren on a "time schedule". She did learn, of course, just as your son will eventually hold that cup on his own. YOU know your a wonderful mother, as does your husband and son. Whoever said that needs to tend to her (I'm assuming) own garden and not worry about yours, which by the way, I think is beautiful! :-)

Bainwen Gilrana said...

Don't you just love when other people know how to raise your kid better than you do? *rolls eyes dramatically*

Rebecca said...

Im with Bainwen. And I usually get those types of comments from "the inlaws". Whereas everyone else around me thinks I'm
supermom. Take it with a grain of salt and look at the source. ;)

That being said, my daughter refuses to use a sippy cup. She'll only drink out of a regular one or a spring water bottle. As my pediatrician says - sippy cups are for moms like us who have hardwood floors and white carpets! hahaha. However, she isn't strong enough yet at 15mos. to have control of the flow while drinking so I need to hold her cup for her. If anyone ever dared say anything to me, they'd best think twice about it. Never doubt your ability as a Mom. Those who call it into challenge, are probably doubting their own abilities, past or present....

Wow. Guess that hit a sore nerve with me! :)

Cheryl said...

Thank God you're the mom, huh?? Seems like everyone has an opinion when they're little.

Martie said...

Guess what, Naive? Lori's on to us! Read her comment on my blog.

clew said...

You KNOW where I am with THIS one. I decided long ago that I wouldn't let ANYONE get me frayed up with developmental milestones and comparisons to their baby or their friend's baby or whoever. What diff does it make who gets where first? They'll all get there in their own time.

Still, it can get to you sometimes. Sucks, doesn't it?

Michelle said...

martie- they're all onto us now. ;)

lori, bainwen, nicole, cheryl and clue- thanks for the assurances that despite what other's might think, I'm doing okay by my son.

rebecca, didn't mean to get you worked up too. ;) Drew wouldn't drink out of a sippy at first either, only a real cup. I took the stoppers out fo the sippy's until he got the hang of it, then put them back in. I know there's no way he could handle a real cup yet!

Smerdyakov said...

Not that I hold much stock in the theory, but I would have taken the opportunity to explain to her the Freudian theory of early oral stages - early oral development (sucking a bottle with the mouth) is driven by a child's adoration of the mother, sometimes leading to Oedipal conflict and incestual fantasies. Some psychologists have linked Hitler's early oral stage with his pathological personality.
At the very least, it would have shut her up pretty fast.

Michelle said...

I never think of these things at appropriate times. I can come up with some real zingers after the fact though.