I'm just a girl trying to find her own custom groove in this world without bending to the expectations of others.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Hello, pot? This is kettle.

Eating a grilled chicken wrap and a half order of fries with a so-called friend, she puts both elbows on the table, leans into me and says, "You know, those fries are going to kill you with all the grease they are cooked in - probably give you cancer or something." Then draws heavily on her Virginia Slim. WTF?!?!?


Martie said...

I have discovered that life is too short to NOT enjoy some of the things you extract pleasure from.....so enjoy your fries and ignore what friends say - especially when they are puffing a smoke offering you healthy advice!

clew said...

This happened to me recently too. A coworker was telling me how non-dairy creamer would kill me as he dumped Equal into his coffee. WTF indeed!

Lori said...

Sheesh...the nerve! I say live life the best we can, everything in moderation and live each day with a song in your heart. SOMETHING is going to get us all eventually!