I have a "Golden Boy" that isn't going to survive many more wash cycles. A pair of work out sweats from abercrombie. Not Abercrombie & Fitch, mind you, but abercrombie, as in kids. You can see why these are a prized article of attire. What an ego boost to actually have fit into something from a kids store. Granted I got them five years ago and they are really stretched out. Still, I won't be able to squeeze my ass into a new pair of anything from abercrombie ever again.
So I don't want these pants to fall apart any more than they already have. Both the knees and crotch are very thin - almost to the point of transparency. (I realize I'm opening myself up to all sorts of obscene jokes by mentioning the areas of thin material, but it's the truth.) The hem is worn away and the back of the cuff is all but gone. It's at least one inch shorter than the front of the pant leg. The band at the top has opened up to reveal the place where the drawstring once was. The stripe down the side of each leg is holey and tattered. But they are thee most comfortable article of clothing I own. They stay put when I bend over and they don't display half my ass when I sit indian style.
I've quit running them through the dryer and opted to hang them instead to increase their wearable life, but I still fear time is running out. It will be a sad, sad day when I can no longer wear my beloved pants.

© 2006 Michelle (nnm)
OMG, I totally remember you wearing these pants.
Poor pants. Poor Naive!
I think we need to go shopping together. Yeah clothes shopping sucks, but everything I own is older than dirt too.
I wish I could find a pair of pants that didn't display half my ass when I bend over!
Did someone say shopping?!?!
I wanna go! ;)
I love the Golden Boy episode. Basically I love every episode...
I had a pair of shoes that were my Golden Boy...and I actually cried when they finally fell apart. *sigh* Shopping sounds fun. We need to all get together for a fun shopping trip...
Itchy~ When we're done shopping we can buy a bunch of junk food and watch all the seasons of Seinfeld in my basement.
Chesney~ There isn't such a thing anymore unless you want to wear "mom jeans"
Clew~ Sounds like we're all in agreement. Get on the stick and plan us an outing!
Oh I have a sweatshirt that would be a complete match, that even has paint stains on it from two different painting experiences in two different houses! We have been here 5 years. My husband calls it a dust rag.
I wear it though. And I will mourn it, when I have to say goodbye!
Oh and I agree- Shopping! Yay!
Oh, I get so sad whenever I have to part with one of my "faves".... they're so comfy, sometimes only psychologically so! :)
Wait - did someone say shopping?!???!!? ;)
I just added my "b" list, "B"y the way... ;)
Naive and Itchy, did you catch my semi-quote seinfeld blog post title last week? It was a Kramerism ...
Have you read the Dr. Seuss story about the pale green pants with nobody inside them? You have pale blue pants...with nobody inside them.
I hate shopping. You guys have fun with that.
Clew: No...and now I'm feeling like a Seinfeld DUMMY! Crap!
Plimco: Actually, I don't really enjoy shopping but I'm in need of some clothes and I hate to shop alone. Therefore a shopping trip with some fun peeps would be better. Now...you tag along, too!
Naive: I've now hijacked your comment area.I may make myself at home. You got any cookies around here? :D
I know of those pants, naive, and it is almost time to retire them! Sorry, dear!! :(
I feel as Plimco does about shopping, but I am also in need of new threads so when y'all decide to go and where y'all are going, let me know!
I just posted my "d" list.
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