I'm just a girl trying to find her own custom groove in this world without bending to the expectations of others.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Selfish Blogger

It's official - I miss blogging. I miss my blog buddies and I miss the creative outlet. Big things are happening here. Life changing things. Things that might possibly sap even more of my time.
I've considered giving up on blogging altogether, but I'm not willing to do that just yet. The reason that I don't update my blog regularly is that any free time I have to devote to blogging, I feel like I need to visit my old pals and catch up and comment on their blogs. As a result, I just don't get online at all. But, I can't not blog. I'll just have to be selfish for a while and strictly post to my own blog without being a "part" of the blog community. Not that I don't care or that I'm not interested. I simply can't accomplish all I want to do.

Of course, in keeping with the definition of selfish, you can all still comment on my blog if you want. :) If not, I'll understand and hopefully, if certain endeavors come to fruition, I'll be able to return to a closer normal of blog regularity.


chesneygirl said...

Oh! So if you're not going to be around, that means we can all talk about you on our blogs....like about how selfish you are. ;)

Miss you so much!!
Hope life slows down for you sooner than later.

Theresa said...

You really haven't missed much.
I'll try to catch you up with the important things:

~ Joy is having AC's lovechild (duh, who couldn't see that one coming?)
~ Spin Doc went to Russia, married a hot Olympic triathlete and stopped shaving her legs.
~ Clew entered the witness protection program ... something to do with the Chippendales dancers and a male prostitution ring.
~ I finally admitted that I'm really a man.
~ Hillary is running for president.

Glad to see you again, Sweetheart. You've been missed!!!

Nelly said...

Yay, yay, yay! A post, a post, a post! I've missed you so much on here. Even if you never visit my blog again, I'm happy just knowing I can catch up on YOU!

I hope your life slows down and you can do some stuff for yourself, like return to blogging regularly! Love you!

Theresa said...

One more little morsel to catch you up with all the news:
I know I probably shouldn't ... but ...............
Do you already know about U-Genius? If not, here's a hint: think Demi and Ashton.
I hear she's insatiable.

i used to be me said...

Oh Theresa, that's SOOOO last year, I've moved on to grown ups! But you're right, insatiable is my middle name ;P

I have missed you much, Naive and hope things settle down for you and we can catch up.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey you -

I hear you're a busy girl these days, no wonder your blogging has taken a back seat kid. Look how long it's taken me to get back?

Take your time, I highly doubt anyone will forget you. :)~

Joy said...

holy hell theresa!!! how come i'm the last one to know about this lovechild? and with the ASSCLOWN????

and on that note.....
NNM!!!!! So good to see you back! I'm missed you!!! Hope things slow down for you fairly soon. We need to catch up!!! Send me an email when you have time. :)

Theresa said...

Sorry ... I get mixed up. Instead of "love child", I should have said, "child created under duress".
So, I guess I'm the last to know about UG's multiple intergenerational affairs ... tsk, tsk ... who else knew?

Martie said...

Welcome back sweetie! Blog when you can and read when you have a spare minute (hard to come by, I know).....miss you in blogworld and miss you in my world too!

Rebecca said...

Hey, no worries - life gets in the way sometimes. It takes all i have to get posts out there - but don't often have the time to go visiting other's blogs.

Glad to hear you're okay despite life changing events which hopefully are for the best.

Hugs -
Me :)

Sam said...

Comments? We don't need no stinking comments!
(if you don't get the movie reference, check out "Blazing Saddles")

Imelda said...

Hey girl! There's lots of things happening in everyone's lives I think.

I got your email - hope things are looking up for you. Will reply when I can. April is postponed until I get some other shit together, but will still happen eventually.

Like you, things are busy, busy, busy here... but all good.

Talk soon.

Ame said...


there's only so much time in a day

and there always seems to be more we want to do than we can do

you're doing great :)

Anonymous said...

Your article is very informative and helped me further.

Thanks, David

clew said...

Take care of you and yours, mah sis.

I miss you.

(Theresa, you told!!!)

Clover Autrey said...

Here here. Blogging is soo additive.

Rebecca said...


Lori said...

There you are! I lost all of my bookmarks off our old computer and have been trying to reconnect with everyone since we've come back to the internet world. I finally got you through martie's blog - yea!

I'll still come visit you, as will everyone else who cares. YOU just take care of what you need to do. The world - all all of us - will still be here.

clew said...

I see you're keeping up on your promise to blog. HA! You know I'm kidding. I suck above all others lately!

One month from tomorrow, girl. I cant wait to see you again.

clew said...

^^^ see why i have word verification? ^^^

Nelly said...

THIS IS WHY WORD VERIFICATION IS A VITAL PART OF BLOGGING! Anyone who doesn't like typing in those stupid letters . . . TOO DAMN BAD! Look at all of these ridiculous comments! WOW!

clew said...

I'm going to be chillin' with you in 9 days and I just wanted to interrupt your spam parade to brag about it. :)

Martie said...

Hey, give me the password and I'll clean this site up for you....it's driving me crazy!!!!! Love ya!

clew said...

You and me and Ches will be drinking and geeking together tomorrow and that's the cat's ass.

clew said...

Okay this weekend only lasted about 5 minutes. WTF!

I miss you.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Just checking in to see how you are. No blogging lately huh. Well I know the feeling, it's been hard for me to get in going regular too. Take care and get back when you can. Missing you! Huggggs~

clew said...

Missing you

clew said...

I know you're never on anymore but I'm going to be hanging out and doing shots with your tired raggedy ass in 2 days and I cant wait.

clew said...

Happy birthday, Buttrash.

Nelly said...

Ok woman...enough is enough! You need to post again! COME ON!

clew said...

O.M.G! You are such a poopstain.

Anonymous said...

Hey, This is ocean with a new name. Happy New Year!May the new year flood your home with happiness,your heart with love, your life with fulfillment, your soul with strength, your body with good health,your mind with wisdom...and your computer with lots of ram !

Smerdyakov said...

Its been almost a year. Pull your head out of your ass.

Martie said...

Okay, it's almost the one year anniversary of your hiatus! Time to erase all the crap on here and post something so everyone knows you're still alive and well.

And how come I didn't know that the girls are coming for a weekend in March? I can't know this stuff anymore or what?

Love ya!

Nelly said...

This is it woman! I'm taking you off my blogroll! Yep, I'm gonna do it...just watch and see...uh huh...I'm gonna hit delete...