I'm just a girl trying to find her own custom groove in this world without bending to the expectations of others.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Greetings from North Country

"Up north is a state of mind."

I always thought that Michigan saying was a little corny until I spent a good portion of my summer here.

It probably only seems different because I'm away from my normal routine and forced to fill my time with more creative resources than I settle for at home. Still, time seems to move a little slower up here. Late nights and early mornings don't tax the body quite as much and afternoon naps are free of any guilt. The days are hotter, the nights cooler and the air crisper.

Dotted along the coast are idyllic little lake towns with their quaint shops and bistros and their grand marinas and white sand beaches. In between are cherry orchards with glimpses of Grand Traverse Bay beyond, antique shops and road side fruit and vegetable stands. You know you're getting close to another town when the snaking driveways are marked by carved wooden signs sporting names like "The Loony Bin" or "Cathy's Cove".

It doesn't matter how hot the day is, the breeze that comes off Lake Michigan keeps you cool and belies the power of the sun's burning rays. And the smell the breeze ushers in is more relaxing than the scent of lavender in springtime. When the water catches the sunlight and sends it blinding in a million directions, I feel as though I was born to live on the lake and am envious of the gigantic house boats floating in their rocking slips.

At the end of the day, pleasantly exhausted from the sun and wind, I sit watching the big orange ball falling slowly to the horizon, widening a trail of fire over the water. My skin feels tight with new color and the strands of hair whipped free of my pony tail lift in the breeze. Thoughts race through my mind and I think, "Up north is definitely more than a state of mind. It's a feeling - a new memory with nostalgia already built in."


chesneygirl said...

I could not have said it better myself!!
Now you see why (and how) I spend almost every weekend of the summer up there :)
I will NEVER be able to get enough of it!
Lake Michigan (and it's coast and beaches) is the greatest thing in the whole wide world and when I'm old and dying that is the only place I want to be in my last days...no matter where life takes me from now until then!

Ame said...

Oh, how I would love to be there with you! I will have to go sometime ... make it a priority for my life :)

Cheryl said...

Sounds wonderful. That's a place I've never been, and I'd love to go someday. Tell us more about it sometime, please??

Spin_Doc1 said...

Oh I want to be anywhere cooler than here right now!

Spin_Doc1 said...

Hey I have a question totally off the subject;

My friend purchased a condo for her parents in CA she asked me the following question;

"I just found out that my condo in CA where my parents live is completely useless in time of pulling equity out of it.
I have more than 60% equity in that thing, but no bank would fund a equity loan/line of credit of any amount due to the fact that a high percentage
(80-90%) of the units in the complex are investment properties (the university across the street bought most of them and are renting out to their students). Apparently it's an across-the-board guideline that every bank follows. Have you heard of anything like this?"

Martie said...

I am stuck here at home with only the housework and Bumpa and Prancer to keep me companay! How I wish I were up there with you!!

Joy said...

How absolutely delicious!

i used to be me said...

Cone back! I miss you too much!

That's mean of me. I shouldn't begrudge you your awayness in a beautiful place.

Lisa M. said...


Rebecca said...

It's funny how I've missed blogging, and hearing things like this.

Hope you're having a lovely summer - I'm hoping to get back into the swing of blogging again! It's been a busy summer for us...

Hope you're all doing well!
Hugs -

Melzie said...

I admit- I loved living in Michigan. :) Not so much the winters- UGH- but 95% of the time i loved it!

Ranni said...

Hubby has left me with the daunting task of planning a family vacation for next year. After reading this, I'm definately going to have to check into Lake Michigan! Sounds breathtakingly wonderful!

Cheetarah1980 said...

Just off the way you described it, I might forgoe a trip to the big city and take a trip up north. I need some relaxation.

Rebecca said...

Someplace I've never been before, and maybe would not have thought of going to - until hearing you describe it. ;)

Miss you!

clew said...

Missing you, sister ... :(

Martie said...

Note to readers: Naive's computer is broke. This is her Mom and she didn't ask me to post this, but I thought it would be better than everyone worrying about her. She'll be back!! ;)

Sheets said...

You need to post pictures of this haven... of this sancuary for the soul.....this refuge from the daily mundane life we all have.....

Um...I mean....ah, pictures would be good, too.